Power Seminar with Minyu Cai: Electrification Technologies at Cummins


March 7, 2023    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

This Iowa State University Power Group Seminar is an online seminar only.


Title: Electrification Technologies at Cummins


Abstract: Cummins, funded in 1919, is famous for low-emission diesel engines used in heavy-duty vehicles and power generation. In recent years, Cummins established a New Power Business Unit developing hybrid and electric platforms, battery packs, e-axels, fuel cells, and electrolyzers. This presentation will talk about Cummins’ electrification products, power electronics research projects, challenges in power electronics development, and power electronics skills needed in industry.


Bio: Minyu Cai received his Ph.D. specialized in power electronics from Purdue University in 2017. He joined the Cummins Corporate R&T Electrification Technologies Group upon graduation and is currently a Technical Manager in the same group. At Cummins, Minyu has developed high-power inverters for vehicle and energy storage applications. He also led a project developing a high-power DC-DC converter for vehicle applications.


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