Graduate Seminar with Vishak Narayanan: Towards Enabling Robust and Timely Communication and Computation in Batteryless Intermittently-powered Sensor Nodes.


February 21, 2024    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Bldg Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, IA, 50011

Event Type


Title: Towards Enabling Robust and Timely Communication and Computation in Batteryless Intermittently-powered Sensor Nodes.

Abstract: Batteryless sensor nodes, which rely on energy harvested from ambient sources like RF, solar, vibrations, etc., are a promising alternative to battery-powered sensor nodes. These nodes can be deployed in far-flung areas, are lightweight, environmentally friendly and come with several other advantages to the user like low maintenance, low cost, flexibility. However, the energy harvesting rate from these sources is often very low, unreliable, and time-varying. Therefore, nodes cannot sustain continuous operation, making them operate intermittently with unpredictable and very short wakeup times. This makes execution of tasks like, distributed sensing, edge intelligence, time synchronization, and communication particularly challenging. In his seminar today, Vishak will provide an overview of the challenges of building complete systems and his prototyped systems, that enable robust and timely computation and communication for batteryless intermittently-powered sensor nodes.

Bio: Vishak is a PhD candidate at Iowa State University. Vishak got his bachelor’s degree from India in 2017 and spent an year working as a PCB hardware designer. His research broadly focuses on developing HW-SW codesign techniques for batteryless sensor nodes. Vishak envisions ubiquitous deployment of batteryless sensor nodes to compute at the edge with all the added advantages that a batteryless system brings to the user. His works appear in top conferences such as IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS) and International Symposium on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (ISFPGA).


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