Graduate Seminar – Oluwaseyi Olatujoye


November 20, 2013    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Building Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011

Event Type

Title: Flexibility Design for Resource to-Backbone Transmission

Speaker: Oluwaseyi Olatujoye, ECpE Graduate Student 

Abstract: This work is motivated by the possibility that Midwestern wind energy penetration will increase significantly occur over the next 40 years, particularly in Iowa, and that high capacity backbone transmission will be needed to transfer much of this energy eastwards. Given development of such high-capacity backbone transmission, it will become necessary to design “resource-to-backbone” (R2B) transmission for the purpose of aggregating energy from the individual resources, much of which will be wind farms, to the high-capacity backbone transmission. A key in designing R2B transmission is to achieve flexibility with respect to the uncertain future, at a minimum additional cost compared to less flexible designs; indeed, flexibility of this nature is a desirable attribute for transmission expansion of any kind. Thus, in this research, we explore various design methods for enhancing system flexibility.
