Title: HVDC Macrogrid and US East Coast Offshore Wind – A long term capacity expansion planning perspective
Abstract: With large offshore wind farms in several stages of planning and commissioning off the U.S. east coast, coupled with unprecedented investments in renewable electricity generation resources onshore, there is significant value in building high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission in the form of a national macrogrid. The macrogrid has the potential to serve as an ultra-high capacity interregional transmission highway, enabling efficient long-distance energy transfer. It is an ideal complement to the energy transition, enabling multi-regional sharing of electric energy and grid services to achieve least-cost reliable and resilient decarbonization of the nation’s electric system. This work investigates the interplay of offshore wind power, land-based wind power and a national HVDC macrogrid, from a long-term capacity expansion planning perspective, in order to leverage the high generation potential of wind and solar power in the U.S. coupled with the difference in real-time electricity consumption throughout the country due to time zone differences. Using a co-optimized generation and transmission planning model looking 27 years into the future, this work aims to provide valuable insights into what a future American electric power system including offshore wind generation and an HVDC macrogrid would look like.
Bio: Abhinav is a Ph.D. student in Electrical Engineering at Iowa State University, advised by Dr.James McCalley. He also received his M.S. degree in EE from ISU, and a B.E. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from India. His research is at the crossroads of long term capacity expansion planning for the US electric grid and clean energy policy studies, with a focus on decarbonization and HVDC Macrogrids.
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