Undergraduate Student Research Opportunities

…practical experience, enhances a student’s academics, and provides students a mentor. On-Campus, Paid Undergraduate Research Opportunities Below is a list of current undergraduate research opportunities for electrical, computer, and software…

ECpE Department receives major external research awards

…Mani Mina, Sarah Rajala, Sarah Rodriguez, Diane Rover and Mack Shelley as Co-PIs. For more information on grants received during the months of July through September, visit this link: https://www.ece.iastate.edu/external-research-awards-july-september-2016/….

Why Join Iowa State’s ECpE Department

…alumnus John Atanasoff and former ECpE graduate Clifford Berry built the world’s first electronic digital computer. In 1971, ECpE graduate student David C. Nicholas invented the encoding process used in…

2008-09 Distinguished Lecture Series

…of the ACM and the recipient of numerous teaching awards. Additional information can be found at: www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/comer February 25 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND THE INFLUENCE OF GROUP THINK David Notkin,…


…- IEEE IMS Distinguished Seminar with Mathias Bonmarin: Dynamic Thermal Imaging – A Valuable Measurement Method for Biomedical Applications 30 1:10 PM – Power Seminar with Prof. Claudio Canizares: The…

Dr. Ashfaq Khokhar: Professional Experience

…Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA 2/10- current President and CTO Video Analytica, Inc., Woodridge, IL, USA (www.videoanalytica.com) 8/14 – Adjunct Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,…

Research Highlights

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