Power Seminar with Morgan Putnam: Important Factors Facing the Development of Offshore Wind and HVDC Transmission Systems


February 14, 2023    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

This Iowa State University Power Group Seminar is an online seminar only

Title: Important Factors Facing the Development of Offshore Wind and HVDC Transmission Systems

Abstract: Offshore wind and associated HVDC transmission systems will play a critical role in grid decarbonization between 2030 and 2040. However, a number of barriers to the use of HVDC transmission systems (offshore and onshore) still need to be resolved to unlock the full potential of offshore wind and to enable greater interregional transmission between regional transmission operators onshore. This presentation will discuss current barriers facing HVDC transmission systems and the work needed to overcome these barriers between now and 2030.

Bio: Dr. Morgan Putnam is an experienced renewable energy leader focused on grid transformation and new product development. He has raised over $15 million of funding, launched Product Management and Business Development departments, and managed groups of stakeholders with conflicting interests. Morgan founded the NextGen Highways initiative to accelerate grid decarbonization and enable transportation electrification. He is currently a Principal Consultant in the Power System Advisory team at DNV. Previously, Morgan held roles as VP of Solar Products at REsurety, Co-Lead of the Minnesota Solar Pathways project, Director of Business Development at Clean Power Research, and VP of Cell Fabrication at Caelux. In these roles, Morgan has constantly worked to develop products and policies at the leading edge of the energy transition.

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