Power Seminar with John Simpson-Porco: Hierarchical Power System Control using Fast Inverter-Based Resources


January 23, 2024    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type


Title: Hierarchical Power System Control using Fast Inverter-Based Resources

ABSTRACT: The ongoing deployment of distributed energy resources is changing the way the power grid is operated and controlled, and traditional power system control methods are being re-examined and revised to meet the reliability and security challenges of the renewable transition. At the same time, entirely new control architectures are being devised, with a focus on scalability and information transfer between transmission and distribution layers. Here we describe some of our group’s recent progress on these problems, focusing on how fast inverter-based resources (IBRs) can be leveraged for improved provision of ancillary and support services to the grid. At the transmission level, we propose hierarchical and data-driven controller design methods which enable provision of fast frequency and voltage control services. The designs are practically minded, requiring minimal information to deploy, and can be operated alongside existing grid control paradigms. At the distribution level, we describe a hierarchical control architecture for coordination of distributed energy resources, enabling an aggregate response from the distribution system in response to transmission-level power requests. We conclude with some thoughts on the integration of advanced transmission and distribution system controllers, and the role control scientists and engineers should play in achieving this integration.

BIO: John W. Simpson-Porco is an Assistant Professor in Systems Control group at the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. His research focuses on feedback control theory and applications of control and optimization in power and energy systems. John received his B.Sc. degree in Engineering Physics from Queen’s University in 2010, and his PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2015. He was previously an Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada. Prof. Simpson-Porco is a recipient of the Automatica Paper Prize, the Center for Control, Dynamical Systems and Computation (CCDC) Best Thesis Award, and the IEEE PES Technical Committee Working Group Recognition Award for Outstanding Technical Report. He is currently an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

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