Abstract: The evolving energy landscape requires MISO and the industry to understand the increasing complexity of the transitioning system and proactively adapt to increasing risk and changing system conditions. MISO’s 2023 Attributes analysis highlights the need for market reforms and new requirements to ensure the sufficiency of three priority attributes: system adequacy, flexibility, and system stability. MISO focused the 2023 system adequacy analysis on the risk factors expected to be most acute in the near term: availability, energy assurance, and fuel assurance. In this presentation, the methods and models developed to measure emerging risk factors within the MISO footprint will be presented and illustrated using the Future 2A portfolio.
Bio: Dr. Armando Figueroa Acevedo is a Senior Engineer at Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) and a Part-time Professor at the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus (UPRM). At MISO, he focuses on strategic assessments related to resource adequacy, integration of inverter-based resources, and transmission planning. Dr. Figueroa has led technical work of MISO’s Renewable Integration Impact Assessment (RIIA), the Regional Resource Assessment (RRA), and the Attributes Roadmap. His experience at MISO also includes discussing technical and policy topics in stakeholder forums and representing MISO in industry groups. At UPRM, Dr. Figueroa teaches undergraduate and graduate courses related to power system analysis and economic operations of power systems.
Dr. Figueroa holds a dual doctoral degree in Electrical Engineering and Wind, Energy, Science, Engineering, and Policy (WESEP) from Iowa State University (ISU), a Master of Science in Power Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico. During his graduate degrees, Dr. Figueroa attended courses at the Universidad Pública de Navarra (Spain), Aalborg Universitet (Denmark), and University of Sydney (Australia). At ISU, Dr. Figueroa developed a co-optimized expansion planning model to design a macro-grid for the continental US electric power grid, as part of NREL’s Seams Interconnection Study.
Dr. Figueroa is a registered Professional Engineer in Puerto Rico. He is also member of the IEEE Resource Adequacy Working Group (RAWG), Energy Systems Integration Group (ESIG) Task Force on Resource Adequacy, and College of Engineers and Surveyors of Puerto Rico. Dr. Figueroa served as the IEEE RAWG’s Chair from 2021-2023.
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