Online Seminar: Software Supply Chain Security with James Sutherland


July 12, 2022    
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Event Type

Title: Software Supply Chain Security

Speaker: James Sutherland, University of Dundee, Scotland

Abstract: Since Ken Thompson shared his login backdoor hidden in a C compiler back in 1984, software development and dependency management have changed dramatically. A few mouse clicks or one command can install or update a library or tool, and all the components it depends on as well – but does that update fix issues, or create new ones? Some of the most significant security issues of recent years have come this way, from credit card capture to political ‘hacktivism’ and cryptocurrency mining: what can be done to address this?

Speaker Bio: James Sutherland started working part time as a university system administrator running web servers when Apache was new, before studying CS at Cambridge University then a PhD in security. At the start of 2020 he moved into medical computing at the University of Dundee and has been researching Trusted Research Environments with Amazon and other partners, as well as developing the software to manage a multi-petabyte medical imaging archive, enabling access for researchers while protecting patient privacy.

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