Microelectronics Seminar Series with Dr. Boyce Chang: Self-Assembled Templates for Functional Materials and Semiconductor Patterning


September 29, 2023    
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Bldg Addition
2520 Osborn Dr Coover Hall, Ames, IA, 50011

Event Type

Title: Self-Assembled Templates for Functional Materials and Semiconductor Patterning

Abstract: Nature presents a plethora of nanostructures with unparalleled precision. Inspired by this, soft programable building blocks such as block copolymers (BCP), polymer-grafting, and supramolecular materials are in demand for fabricating precise hierarchical assemblies with tunable properties. Furthermore, the advent of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography in semiconductor patterning has created a rejuvenated need for precise and uniform features at the 10nm scale—an area on which self-assembly thrives. In this seminar, Dr. Chang will discuss strategies to control long-range of supramolecular BCPs through controlled solvent annealing. Subsequently, these polymer patterns will be utilized as a template for fabricating well-defined hierarchical nanocomposites. Finally, he will demonstrate the synergy between top-down lithography and self-assembly to create patterns with long-range orientational order relevant to semiconductor manufacturing. Techniques such as graphoepitaxy and chemoepitaxy will be demonstrated. Overall, this talk provides insights into the power of combining top-down and bottom-up nanofabrication.

Biography: Dr. Boyce Chang is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Iowa State University. His current research focuses on the synthesis and self-assembly of soft materials at the nanoscale. He obtained his Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering (2018) at Iowa State University. He later joined the University of California, Berkeley, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as a postdoctoral researcher from 2019-2022. There, his work focused on the self-assembly of nanomaterials. He is a recipient of the 2021 MRS Best Oral Presentation award at Boston. He contributed to more than 35 publications including peer-reviewed articles, patents, and conference proceedings.

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