ECpE Distinguished Lecture Series – Keren Bergman


March 28, 2014    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Building Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011

Event Type

Title: Scalable computing systems with optically enabled data movement

Speaker: Keren Bergman, Charles Batchelor Professor of Electrical Engineering,  Columbia University

Keren Bergman
Keren Bergman

Abstract: Performance scalability of computing systems built upon multicore architectures are becoming increasingly constrained by limitations in power dissipation, chip packaging, and the data throughput achievable by the on- and off-chip interconnection networks. Future performance gains are impeded by the challenges of an increasing portion of the power budget consumed by global communication among the processing cores. The power dissipation problem is further exacerbated for off-chip communication due to limited on-chip power budget and available I/O. These challenges have emerged as the key barriers to realizing the required memory bandwidths and system wide data movement. Recent advances in chip-scale silicon photonic technologies have created the potential for developing optical interconnection networks that offer highly energy efficient communications and significantly improve computing performance-per-Watt. This talk will examine the design and performance of photonic networks-on-chip architectures that support both on-chip communication and off-chip memory access in an energy efficient manner. Current challenges of inserting nanophotonic interconnect technologies in future computing systems will be discussed.

Speaker Bio: Keren Bergman is the Charles Batchelor Professor and Chair of Electrical Engineering at Columbia University where she also directs the Lightwave Research Laboratory. She leads multiple research programs on optical interconnection networks for advanced computing systems, data centers, optical packet switched routers, and chip multiprocessor nanophotonic networks-on-chip. Dr. Bergman holds a Ph.D. from M.I.T. and is a Fellow of the IEEE and of the OSA. She currently serves as the co-Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical Communications and Networking.
