Why Join Iowa State’s ECpE Department

…Iowa State University’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, go to www.iastatejobs.com. How Ames Ranks: Third best-performing small cities (Milken Institute, 2015) Eighth best city in America to get a…

Research Highlights

If you are not automatically redirected, please proceed to https://www.ece.iastate.edu/research/research-highlights/…

Undergraduate Forms and Guidelines

…Flowcharts. Undergraduate Forms Not all forms are available online. Most forms are for the current ISU Catalog only, so if your program is based on a previous catalog, contact your…

Research in Brief: Spring 2011

…State’s College of Engineering faculty, staff, and students via an online professional network and events. It also assigns an ISU engineering advisor to help them choose courses that will transfer….

Mike Boxleiter

…increasing. Players can compete for high scores online, and many of our players have already far outpaced our own scores.” The entrepreneurial life: Although Boxleiter acknowledges that despite a few…
