Award Nominations and Deadlines


Internal Award Deadlines

External Award Deadlines



Govindarasu receives ISU Award for Mid-Career Achievement in Research

Manimaran Govindarasu, professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received the ISU Award for Mid-Career Achievement in Research for his work in the area of cyber security. Govindarasu has been a professor at Iowa State since 1999, and is widely regarded as a pioneer and leader in the emerging interdisciplinary research area of cyber security. Full story

Somani receives IBM Faculty Award

Arun K. Somani, associate dean for research at Iowa State University’s College of Engineering, was awarded the 2013 IBM Faculty Award.  Full story

Fayed wins NSF CAREER Award

Power management is a critical aspect in many electronic devices, and Ayman Fayed is working on a new approach to the problem. Fayed, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, has received a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award to develop dynamic on-chip power grids for energy efficient and cost effective power conversion in integrated circuits. Full story

Nlebedim wins best poster presentation award

Ikenna Nlebedim, ECpE and Ames National Laboratory postdoctoral research associate, won an award for best poster presentation at the 12th Joint MMM/INTERMAG Conference in January. In 2011, he received the best postdoctoral research associate presentation award. Full Story

Jacobson wins IEEE award for education innovation

Doug Jacobson, University Professor of electrical and computer engineering and IEEE fellow, was presented with a 2012 Major Educational Innovation Award from the IEEE Educational Activities Board at a ceremony held in Austin, Texas, February 15. Full story

ECpE Researcher Awarded International Young Scientist Fellowship

Ravi Hadimani, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded the International Young Scientist Fellowship by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). Hadimani will receive funding to travel to China and conduct research at the State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices, and the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Full Story

NSF awards ISU with grant for high-performance computing system

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Iowa State University a $1.8 million grant for a high-performance computing (HPC) system. Nearly all of the grant will go directly to purchasing computer equipment for science and engineering. Iowa State will provide an additional $780k as a matching grant. Arun Somani, distinguished professor of electrical and computer engineering, is the principal investigator for the proposal. Additional collaboration was provided by Professors Srinivas Aluru, Rodney O. Fox, Mark S. Gordon, and Eugene S. Taklealong with a dozen other faculty members.

Former professor to receive 2013 IEEE Electric Transmission and Distribution Award

Vijay Vittal (PhD EE ’82), former distinguished professor of electrical engineering at ECpE, has been named the 2013 recipient of the IEEE Herman Halperin Electric Transmission and Distribution Award. Vittal’s work includes a number of projects in several areas, including online dynamic security assessment, the application of a new analytical methods to analyze power system stability, the application of robust control methods to design more effective controls, and more.

Dalal wins IBM Faculty Award

Vikram Dalal’s solar cell research continues to turn heads. Dalal, Thomas M. Whitney Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded the 2012 IBM Faculty Award, his second in as many years. Much of the $38,000 award will go toward building a new deposition system for the solar research teams. Full Story

Four faculty members honored with NSF Career award

Four researchers in the Iowa State Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering were awarded the prestigious National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award in 2012. Santosh Pandey, Aditya Ramamoorthy, Umesh Vaidya and Joseph Zambreno each earned awards and pushed the department’s total number of NSF CAREER Awards to 16. The four awards represent the most in a single year by ECpE researchers. Full Story

Rover named ASEE fellow

Diane Rover, professor of electrical and computer engineering (ECpE), was named 2012 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Fellows, a feat only six others from the CoE have achieved since the organization was founded in 1893. This marks the first time in six years that a College of Engineering faculty member has joined the ranks as an ASEE Fellow.

Three papers by Tirthapura featured in PODS conference

The annual Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) SIGMOD/PODS conference, held May 20-24 in Scottsdale, Ariz., featured three papers by Srikanta Tirthapura, Associate Professor at Iowa State Electrical and Computer Engineering. Tirthapura’s three entries represent the most of any researcher invited to this year’s conference.

Jiles named Honorary Fellow for ISNT

David Jiles, distinguished professor and Palmer endowed chair of electrical and computer engineering, traveled to Chennai, India, to receive recognition as the 2011 elected Honorary Fellow of the Indian Society for Non-Destructive Testing (ISNT).

Jiles was elected for his work on magnetic methods for non-destructive evaluation (NDE).

Chu, Kamal named IEEE Fellows

Based on their excellent contributions to electrical and computer engineering research, two Iowa State Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECpE) professors were named 2012 Fellows of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Chris Chu, associate professor, and Ahmed Kamal, professor, officially joined the ranks of the distinguished IEEE Fellows in January 2012.

Dalal named AAAS fellow

Vikram Dalal, Thomas M. Whitney Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering, is part of this year’s class of 539 new American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellows. Dalal, who is also director of Iowa State’s Microelectronics Research Center and an associate of the Ames National Laboratory, was recognized “For distinguished contributions to research in solar energy conversion materials and devices and for invention of industrially important photovoltaic devices.”

Jacobson wins Security 7 Award

Douglas Jacobson, University professor of electrical and computer engineering and director of the Iowa State Information Assurance Center, was recently recognized with a 2011 Security 7 Award from the Information Security magazine for his work with information security education.

Rursch Wins Best Paper Award

Julie Rursch
Julie Rursch

Postdoctoral research associate Julie Rursch, along with University Professor Doug Jacobson and Andy Luse, PhD student in management information technology, received the IEEE Education Society

Best Transactions on Education Paper Award. The paper, “IT-Adventures: A Program to Spark IT Interest in High School Students Using Inquiry-Based Learning with Cyber Defense, Game Design, and Robotics,” was published in the February 2010 issue of IEEE Transactions on Education. The award was presented at the 2011 Frontiers in Education Conference in Rapid City, South Dakota, on October 14, 2011.

Aluru Awarded for Outstanding Career Achievement in Research

Srinivas Aluru, Mehl Professor in Computer Engineering, received the Iowa State University Award for Outstanding Achievement in Research. This award recognizes a tenured faculty member who has had a professional career since their PhD of more than 16 years and who has been employed by Iowa State for more than five years for outstanding career achievements in research and/or creative activity. A Fellow of both the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Aluru is widely regarded as a pioneer in the field of high performance computational biology. He is in demand worldwide as a professional leader and lecturer, and has elevated high performance computing at Iowa State to international prominence. His contributions to genome assembly have reduced the computation time from months to days; his software packages are widely used in academia and industry; and his former students serve on faculties and in research laboratories. More information.

Rana Biswas
Rana Biswas

Biswas Receives Professional and Scientific Research Award

Rana Biswas, adjunct professor and scientist at U.S Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory, received the Iowa State University Professional and Scientific Research Award. This award recognizes a professional and scientific staff member who has been at Iowa State for at least five years for excellence in research. Biswas was awarded for his outstanding contributions to research in the fields of amorphous and nanocrystalline semiconductors; for the design of novel photonic and plasmonic materials and devices; and for improving light absorption in solar energy conversion materials. More information.

Nlebedim wins Best Presentation Award

Ikenna Nlebedim, a postdoctoral research associate, received the Best Presentation Award at the 2011 Iowa State University Postdoctoral Research Day for his presentation, “Engineering Materials Based on Cobalt Ferrite for Magnetic Sensor and Actuator Applications”. Postdoctoral research associates from Iowa State University, the University of Iowa, and the University of Minnesota presented their research at this event and were judged by faculty members and fellows. Nlebedim’s advisor is David C. Jiles, Palmer Department Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering and Anson Marston Distinguished Professor.

Srinivas Aluru
Srinivas Aluru

Aluru elected to ISU Biotechnology Council

Srinivas Aluru, Mehl Professor in Computer Engineering, has been selected to serve a three-year term on Iowa State University’s Biotechnology Council. The council makes recommendations to the Office of Biotechnology on program activities supporting biotechnology research, education, and outreach.

Recent Developing Faculty Awards, Professorships, and Promotions

  • Timothy Bigelow was named a new recipient of the Harpole-Pentair Developing Faculty Award.
  • Sumit Chaudhary was named a new recipient of the Northrop Grumman Professorship (formerly the Litton Industries Professorship).
  • Liang Dong was renamed a recipient of the Harpole-Pentair Deveoping Faculty Award.
  • Manimaran Govindarasu was promoted to full professor.
  • Tien Nguyen was promoted to associate professor with tenure.
  • Namrata Vaswani was promoted to associate professor with tenure.
  • Lei Ying was renamed a recipient of the Northrop Grumman Professorship (formerly the Litton Industries Professorship)

Vikram Dalal

Dalal Receives IBM Faculty Award

Vikram Dalal, Thomas M. Whitney Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, received the 2011 IBM Faculty Award for his research in advancing solar energy. The IBM Faculty Award is an annual worldwide competitive program. Each year, IBM employees nominate someone they believe has an outstanding reputation for contributions in their field. Dalal, nominated by senior manager Karl Erickson (MSEE ’98), was one of 240 nominations this year. In 2011, the company recognized 84 recipients representing 74 institutions and 33 countries. More information.

Sumit Chaudhary

Chaudhary Wins 2011 NSF CAREER Award

Assistant Professor Sumit Chaudhary received a 2011 National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award for the project, “Utilizing Ferroelectrics for Multifaceted Device Engineering of Polymer Solar Cells.” The project continues Chaudhary’s effort to increase the efficiency of solar cells and improve the technology for widespread applications. The NSF CAREER award is the most prestigious award offered by NSF in support of early career development activities of teacher-scholars who most effectively integrate research and education within the context of their organization’s mission. Read more about Chaudhary’s research.

Vicky Thorland-Oster

Thorland-Oster Wins Distinguished Service Award

Vicky Thorland-Oster, manager of ECpE Student Services, won the ECpE department’s Mervin S. Coover Distinguished Service Award in April 2011. The annual award, named in honor of former Department Head Mervin S. Coover, is given to faculty and staff for their extraordinary service to the department.

Faculty Win Teaching Awards

Thomas Daniels, senior lecturer; Mani Mina, senior lecturer; Daji Qiao, associate professor; Alexander Stoychev, assistant professor; and Joseph Zambreno, assistant professor, each won the ECpE department’s Warren B. Boast Undergraduate Teaching Award in April 2011. The annual award, named for former Department Head Warren B. Boast, recognizes outstanding faculty in the department.

Diane Rover

Rover Named Director of SP@ISU

Diane Rover (BSComS ’84; MSCpE ’86; PhDCpE ’89), professor, was named director of Strengthening the Professoriate at Iowa State University (SP@ISU). SP@ISU serves as a single point of contact on campus to gain knowledge in developing quality National Science Foundation Broader Impact programs. The goal of the unit is to strengthen the professoriate by enabling professional development in STEM while promoting and enhancing a diverse community of scholars and learners.

Aluru Elected AASS Fellow

Srinivas Aluru (MSComS ‘91; PhDComS ‘94), Mehl Professor of Computer Engineering, was elected a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) “for distinguished contributions to high performance computational biology, particularly for enabling large-scale genome analysis and systems biology through creation and application of novel parallel methods.” More information.

Jacobson Elected IEEE Fellow

Doug Jacobson (BSCpE ’80; MSEE ’82; PhDCpE ’85), university professor and director of the Information Assurance Center, was elected a 2011 Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for contributions to information assurance education and practice. More information.

Vikram Dalal

Dalal Elected APS Fellow

In fall 2010, Vikram Dalal, Thomas M. Whitney Professor in Electrical Engineering and director of the Microelectronics Research Center, was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society for pioneering applied research in physics of thin-film photovoltaic materials and devices and for invention of industrially important photovoltaic devices. More information.

Baird Receives ISU Extension Service Award

Tom Baird (MEngEE ‘76), program manager of Electric Power Research Center (now retired), won the ISU Extension Annual Conference Meritorious Service Award in October.

Julie Dickerson

Dickerson Wins Women in Innovation Award

Julie Dickerson, associate professor, won the Technology Association of Iowa’s Iowa Women in Innovation award for Research Innovation and Leadership in November 2010. More information.

Baird Receives Service Award

Thomas Baird, program manager of the Electric Power Research Center, was awarded the Meritorious Service Award at the ISU Extension Annual Conference October 20-21, 2010.

Sara K. Harris

Harris Wins 2010 University New Professional Award

Sara K. Harris, assistant to the chair, won the university’s Professional and Scientific Outstanding New Professional Award. This award recognizes a professional and scientific staff member who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishments unusually early in his or her professional career at Iowa State. Harris contributed to the department by streamlining and improving operations, promoting professional development of students, and working diligently to create a collegial atmosphere for all faculty, staff, students, alumni and partners.

Shinar Receives University Research Award

Ruth Shinar, adjunct professor and scientist at the Microelectronics Research Center, received the Iowa State University Professional and Scientific Research Award. This award recognizes a professional and scientific staff member who has been at Iowa State for at least five years for excellence in research. Shinar has conducted independent research on hydrogen and microstructure dynamics in hydrogenated amorphous silicon and related materials, which is related to their performance as solar energy conversion materials. She also led pioneering independent research and development on organic light-emitting diode-based chemical and biological sensors for detecting toxic and medically important organic agents.

Professor Recognized With Regents Faculty Award

Robert J. Weber, professor, was awarded the State of Iowa, Board of Regents’ Award for Faculty Excellence. This award recognizes a faculty member who is an outstanding university citizen and who has rendered significant service to Iowa State and/or the state of Iowa. Weber’s research on microwave circuit and system design resulted in numerous grant-funded projects and publications, and many U.S. and foreign patents. He is a fellow of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), author of a widely acclaimed textbook, and an award-winning teacher.

Postdoc Wins Best Poster Award

Juan Jose Jaramillo, a postdoctoral research associate, received the Best Poster Award at a recent Defense Threat Reduction Agency technical review meeting in fall 2010.

Chris Chu

Chu Wins Prestigious Best Paper Award

Chris Chu, associate professor, received the IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems’ Donald O. Pederson Best Paper Award. It was the best of all papers published in 2008 and 2009. The paper, “FLUTE: Fast Lookup Table Based Rectilinear Steiner Minimal Tree Algorithm for VLSI Design” was published in the January 2008 issue.

Wang Receives 2010 College Research Award

Zhengdao Wang

Zhengdao Wang won the College of Engineering’s Faculty Early Career Research Award. Wang has made significant research contributions and developed ways to increase communication rate and reliability. His work in signal processing, signal design, detection, and performance analysis for wireless communication systems is improving the design of transmitters, receivers, and networks. In Zhengdao’s research of multiple input/multiple output communication systems, he has devised methods to increase throughput, reliability, and range without increasing signal power or bandwidth. His work already has been cited more than 2,000 times, and he has earned several best paper awards at scientific conferences. Additionally, he has written three book chapters, given four invited lectures, and shares two patents.

Doug Jacobson

Jacobson Receives National Cyber 7 Award

Doug Jacobson, university professor, was named one of seven individuals nationwide to receive the 2010 Cyber 7 Award. The award recognizes individual who exemplify excellence in government cyber security through individual contributions to cyber programs that protect our nation’s data and systems.

Recent Developing Faculty Awards, Professorships, and Promotions

  • Liang Dong was named a new recipient of the Harpole-Pentair Developing Faculty Award.
  • Rana Biswas was promoted to adjunct professor.
  • Degang Chen was promoted to full professor.
  • Daji Qiao was promoted to associate professor with tenure.
  • Umesh Vaidya, assistant professor, and Lei Ying, assistant professor, were each named new recipients of the Litton Industries Professorship.

Several Faculty Receive U.S. Patents in 2010

  • Ruth Shinar, adjunct professor; Joseph Shinar, adjunct professor; and Vikram Dalal, Thomas Whitney Professor of Electrical Engineering, received a U.S. patent (no. 7,718,130) for “Integrated thin-film sensors and methods.”
  • Ayman Fayed, assistant professor, received two patents (no. 7,679,433 and 7,675,345) for work he conducted previously at Texas Instruments. The patents are titled “Circuit and method for RF power amplifier power regulation and modulation envelope tracking” and “Low-leakage level-shifters with supply detection.”
  • Arun K. Somani received a U.S. patent (no. 7,671,627) titled “Superscale processor performance enhancement through reliable dynamic clock frequency tuning.”

Faculty Receive Distinguished Service Award

Thomas Daniels, senior lecturer; Mani Mina, senior lecturer; Akhilesh Tyagi, associate professor; and Arun K. Somani, distinguished professor, each won the ECpE department’s Mervin S. Coover Distinguished Service Award in April 2010. The annual award, named in honor of former Department Head Mervin S. Coover, is given to faculty and staff for their extraordinary service to the department.

Faculty Win Teaching Awards

Liang Dong, assistant professor; Randall Geiger, Richardson Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering; Manimaran Govindarasu, associate professor; Kenneth Kruempel, associate professor emeritus; and Zhengdao Wang, associate professor, each won the ECpE department’s Warren B. Boast Undergraduate Teaching Award in April 2010. The annual award, named for former Department Head Warren B. Boast, recognizes outstanding faculty in the department.

Tom Daniels

Professor Wins Innovation in Education Award

Tom Daniels, an assistant professor, has been chosen as one of the winners of a 2010 Prometheus Award from the Technology Association of Iowa. The award is for Innovation in Education: Best Use of Innovation in Teaching.

Three Professors Receive 2010 NSF CAREER Awards

Assistant professors Liang Dong, Jaeyoun Kim, and Lei Ying all received 2010 National Science Foundation CAREER awards. The NSF CAREER award is the most prestigious award offered by NSF in support of early career development activities of teacher-scholars who most effectively integrate research and education within the context of their organization’s mission. More information.

Srinivas Aluru

S. Aluru Named IEEE Fellow

Srinivas Aluru, the Ross Martin Mehl and Marylyne Munas Mehl Professor of Computer Engineering, was named a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for his extraordinary contributions to the field of computational biology. Aluru’s work to sequence the maize genome recently was featured in Science magazine, and he was named a 2007 finalist for the Computerworld Honors Program’s 21st Century Achievement Award. He conducts research in high-performance computing, algorithms and systems for large-scale applications, bioinformatics and systems biology, combinatorial scientific computing, and applied algorithms. In addition, he has published two books and more than 100 technical papers in journals and peer-reviewed conference publications, and led 29 externally funded research projects.

Biswas Named American Physical Society Fellow

Rana Biswas, an adjunct associate professor of electrical and computer engineering and physicist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Ames National Laboratory, was named a fellow of the American Physical Society for his theoretical contributions to the dynamics of semiconductors, solar materials, and photonic crystals. Before coming to Ames National Laboratory in 1986, Biswas was a consultant to the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center and the Exxon Research and Engineering Company, and was a postdoctoral associate at AT&T Bell Laboratories. His research interests include calculations of the properties of bulk materials and surfaces, thin-film semiconductors and electronic materials, photonic crystals, subwavelength arrays, electromagnetic simulations, sensors, and atomistic modeling of microelectronic processes. He has co-organized three Materials Research Society symposia.

advisor Wins P&S CYtation Award

Academic advisor Deb Martin received the university’s P&S CYtation, an award given semiannually by the Professional and Scientific (P&S) Council to recognize P&S staff who have demonstrated a commitment to excellence

Maneesha Aluru

M. Aluru 2009 P&S Outstanding New Professional Award

Assistant Research Professor Maneesha Aluru was awarded the 2009 P&S Outstanding New Professional Award for demonstrating innovative, creative, or original ways to accomplish job responsibilities; exhibiting service to Iowa State University, and more.

Ying Receives DTRA Young Investigator Award

Assistant Professor Lei Ying won the Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Young Investigator Award to conduct research on combating threats to networks. He is one of 15 people nationwide to receive this award.

Faculty Receive Patent For Switching Technology

Mani Mina and Robert J. Weber were awarded a U.S. patent (no. 7,555,177) for All Fiber Magneto-Optic On-Off Switch for Networking Applications.

Dionysios Aliprantis

Aliprantis Wins 2009 NSF CAREER Award

Assistant Professor Dionysios Aliprantis won a National Science Foundation CAREER Award to research methods to decrease the weight and size of motors and generators, as well as improve their efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The award is given to teachers and scholars who most effectively integrate research and education within in the context of their organization’s mission. Read more about Aliprantis’s research.


Iowa State chapter of HKN earns Outstanding Chapter Award

The saying goes that three’s a crowd, but the Iowa State University chapter of Eta Kappa Nu isn’t complaining after receiving its third Outstanding Chapter Award in four years. Eta Kappa Nu, the scholastic honor society for electrical and electronic engineers, gives the Outstanding Chapter Award annually to college chapters who demonstrate excellence in their activities and involvement. Full story

Sneha Singh receives IBM PhD Fellowship

Sneha Singh, PhD student in computer engineering, received the prestigious IBM PhD Fellowship for the 2013-14 academic year. She earned this award for her extensive research in stream processing. While she is thankful for the award, she also feels motivated. “This award has opened several avenues for me and I have to make myself capable of grabbing these opportunities,” Singh said. Full story

ECpE’s Laugen named a Wallace E. Barron scholar

When senior Austin Laugen got a call from the Alumni Association, he thought it was a donation call. Little did he know he was being given one of the most prestigious honors a graduating senior can obtain at Iowa State University. Full story

2010-11 Everitt Award Winners Announced

Benjamin Jusufovic and Shibing Zhao, both seniors in electrical engineering, received the annual International Engineering Consortium’s William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence for 2010-2011. The award honors outstanding seniors who have demonstrated an interest in the communications field.

PhD Students Win Research Excellence Awards

Zijun Yan, PhD student in electrical and computer engineering, and Xiao Yang, PhD student in bioinformatics, both won a Summer 2011 Iowa State University Research Excellence Award.

Electrical Engineering Student Wins IEEE Award

Yang Li, PhD student in electrical engineering, has been selected to receive an IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Doctoral Research Award for his proposal, “Design of a Non-Metallic, Low-Loss Metamaterial Planar Superlens at Microwave Frequency.” The award includes a $2,500 fellowship. More information.

Computer Engineering Students Receive IBM PhD Fellowships

Cory Kleinheksel and Joseph Idziorek, both PhD students in computer engineering, were awarded IBM PhD Fellowships for the 2011-12 academic year. Kleinheksel, who is specializing in data stream processing, will use the award to pursue research int he performance optimization and security of streaming data analytics. Idziorek, whose award is a renewal of an IBM PhD Fellowship he received last year, is specializing in secure and reliable computing, and his research focuses on cloud computing. More information.

Pande Wins ISU Graduate Student Research Award

Amit Pande (PhDCpE ’10), received the 2011 Zaffarano Prize for Graduate Student Research. The award recognizes superior performance in publishable research by an ISU graduate student currently enrolled at ISU for spring 2011 semester, or have graduated in the two preceding semesters (summer or fall 2010).

PhD Students Win Research Excellence Awards

Sasha Kemmet (BSEE ’07) and Kanwar Nalwa, PhD students in electrical engineering, each won a Spring 2011 ISU Research Excellence Award. The awards are given each semester to recognize graduate students at the time of their graduation for outstanding research accomplishments as documented in their theses and dissertations.

Graduate Students Receive Teaching Excellence Awards

Graduate students Karl Deakyne, Mirzad Mohandespour, Brian Peck, and Justin Rilling received the university’s Teaching Excellence Award. The award honors and encourages outstanding achievement by graduate students in teaching.

Two Students Awarded NSF Graduate Fellowships

Daniel Congreve (BSEE ’10), graduate student in electrical engineering, and Roy Lycke (BSCpE ’10), graduate student in computer engineering, both won National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. A third student, Brian Peck, received an honorable mention for the award. More information.

Kaila Krieser

Electrical Engineering Student Wins 2011 Leadership Award

Kaila Krieser, senior in electrical engineering, is one of three students to win the 2011 Dean’s Student Leadership Award in the College of Engineering. More information.

Four Students Win Research Excellence Awards

Electrical and computer engineering PhD students Naveen Kumar, John Van Hemert, and Songyan Xu, as well as master’s degree student Tao Zeng, each won a 2010 ISU Fall Research Excellence Award.

Everitt Award Winners Announced

In September 2010, Ben Cao and Michael Svendsen, both seniors in computer engineering, received the annual International Engineering Consortium’s William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence for 2009-2010. The award honors outstanding seniors who have demonstrated an interest in the communications field.

Three ECpE Students Win ISU Research Awards

Electrical and computer engineering graduate students Fu-Gang Hu, Amit Pande, and Abhinav Sarje each were recognized by the ISU Graduate College for excellence in research. Each won a summer 2010 ISU Research Excellence Award.

Amit Pande

PhD Student Wins 2010 Computing Innovation Fellowship

Amit Pande, PhD student in computer engineering, won the 2010 Computing Innovation Fellowship from the Computing Research Association and Computing Communication Consortium. The award supports his postdoctoral research work to be conducted at the University of California, Davis. More information.

PhD Student Receives Best Paper Award

Abhinav Sarje, PhD student in computer engineering, won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing PhD Forum at the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium in April 2010. He also won an Iowa State University Summer 2010 Research Excellence Award.

Student Receives IEEE Doctoral Research Award

Fu-gang Hu, PhD student in electrical engineering, won the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s Doctoral Research Award for 2009-10.

Joseph Idziorek

Idziorek Wins IBM Fellowship, ISU Peer Teaching Award

Joseph Idziorek, PhD student in computer engineering, received the IBM PhD Fellowship for 2010-11, as well as the ISU Graduate and Professional Student Senate Teaching Award. More information.

Kemmet Wins ISU Peer Research Award

Sasha Kemmet, PhD student in electrical engineering, received the ISU Graduate and Professional Student Senate Peer Research Award.

Students Win Teaching Awards

Graduate students John Carr, Joseph Idziorek, and Sasha Kemmet each won a Spring 2010 Teaching Excellence Award from Iowa State University.

Undergrad Student Wins Leadership Award

Ryan Hall, sophomore in electrical engineering, won the Tze-Yen Teoh Sophomore Leadership Award from Iowa State University in spring 2010.

Two Students Awarded NSF Graduate Fellowships

Karen Littlejohn (BSCpE ’09), graduate student in computer engineering, and Karl Peterson, senior in electrical engineering who graduated in May 2010, both won National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships. More information.

CprE Student Wins Errol B. Davis Alliant Energy Award

Emmanuel Owusu, a senior in computer engineering from Ames, will be awarded the Errol B. Davis Alliant Energy Award in May 2010. The award recognizes achievement, leadership, and service by a graduating senior in business or  engineering from one of the three Iowa Board of Regents’ institutions. More information.

Student Group Wins Award

The Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) electrical and computer engineering honor society student chapter won the Outstanding Student Chapter Award for 2008-09. The award was presented in March 2010.

Grad Students Receive Research Excellence Awards

Graduate students Osameh Al-Kofahi and Bojian Xu both received the university’s Fall 2009 Research Excellence Award. The awards are given each semester to recognize graduate students at the time of their graduation for outstanding research accomplishments as documented in their theses or dissertations.

EE Students Receive Everitt Award

In fall 2009, Kang Kang and Madeline Oglesby, both seniors in electrical engineering, received the annual International Engineering Consortium’s William L. Everitt Student Award of Excellence for 2008-2009. The award honors outstanding seniors who have demonstrated an interest in the communications field.

Student Wins Best Paper Award

Graduate students Viswanathan Subramanian and Prem Kumar Ramesh, along with Professor Arun K. Somani, received Second International Conference on Dependability’s Best Paper Award in June. Their paper was titled “Managing the Impact of On-Chip Temperature on the Lifetime Reliability of Reliably Overclocked Systems.”

Grad Students Receive University Teaching, Research Excellence Awards

Graduate students Matthew Clausman, Mark Tannian, and Jonathan Watson all received the university’s Teaching Excellence Award. The award honors and encourages outstanding achievement by graduate students in teaching. Graduates students Sudha Anil Kumar Gathala, Atul Madhavan, Edward “Jason” Stanek, Natarajan Viswanathan, and Zhen Yu all received the university’s Spring or Summer 2009 Research Excellence Award. The awards are given each semester to recognize graduate students at the time of their graduation for outstanding research accomplishments as documented in their theses and dissertations.

Undergrad Receives Leadership Award

Daniel Stone, a senior in electrical engineering, won the Student Alumni Leadership Council’s Student Leadership Recognition Award last spring. Stone graduated in May 2009.

ECpE Graduate Research Innovation and Progress Award Winners Named

Six graduate students—Osameh Al-Kofahi, Benjamin Jackson, Licheng Jin, Sasha Kemmet, Jin-Wei Tioh, and Bojian Xu—each won the ECpE Graduate Research Innovation and Progress Award (GRIP). GRIP awardees are evaluated on their research productivity and nominated by ECpE faculty throughout the calendar year. This is the second year for these awards.

Computer Engineering Students Win NSF Graduate Research Fellowships

Two computer engineering students—Shane Griffith and Cory Kleinheksel—were awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship this year. A third student, Cory Simon, received an honorable mention for the award. The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program funds three years of study—up to $121,500—in master’s or doctoral degrees focusing on research in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This year, 950 students nationwide received fellowship awards.

Rursch Wins Women of Innovation Award

Julie Rursch, a computer engineering PhD student, received the Technology Association of Iowa’s Collegian Innovation and Leadership Award at the association’s first annual Iowa Women of Innovation Awards Ceremony. Rursch was recognized for her work as the assistant director of IT-Adventures.

Amit Pande

Pande Places Third at International Conference

Amit Pande, a computer engineering PhD student, won third place at the 22nd Annual International Design Conference on VLSI Design. His entry was named “Novel Polymorphic Reconfigurable Hardware Support for Discrete Wavelet Transform.” Pande received a plaque and cash prize.

ECpE Students Receive Research Excellence Awards

The following electrical and computer engineering graduate students received the summer and fall 2008 Research Excellence Award from the university:  Siddhartha Khaitan, David Johnson, Jiang Lin, Harold Salazar, and Linfeng Zhang. The award recognizes graduate students at the time of their graduation for outstanding research accomplishments as documented in their theses and dissertations.

Lee Receives Dean’s Student Leadership Award

Alex Lee, junior in electrical eng­ineering, received the College of Engineering’s Dean’s Student Leadership Award. The award is presented to three engineering junior or senior students who demonstrate outstanding leadership in major college-wide, university, community, or professional organizations.

PhD Student Receives Best Paper Award

PhD student Osameh Al-Kofahi coauthored a paper with Professor Ahmed Kamal that won the Best Paper Award at the Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Symposium of IEEE’s 2008 Global Communications Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Their paper was one of 11 papers chosen to receive this award from more than 1,000 papers presented at the conference. The paper is titled, “Scalable Redundancy for Sensors-to-sink Communication.”

Celik, Somani Win Best Paper Award

Koray Celik, ECpE graduate student; Soon-Jo Chung, assistant professor of aerospace engineering and electrical and computer engineering and director of the Aerospace Robotics Laboratory; and Arun K. Somani, ECpE department chair and Anson Marston Distinguished Professor, won the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Electro/Information Technology in May 2008. The paper entitled, “Mono-Vision Corner SLAM for Indoor Navigation,”presents a real-time monocular vision-based range measurement method for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for an autonomous micro aerial vehicle with significantly constrained payload.  The proposed navigation strategy assumes a GPS-denied manmade environment, whose indoor architecture is represented via corner-based feature points obtained through a monocular camera.



Cory Kleinheksel; 2016 Iowa STATEment Makers

Cory Kleinheksel, ’08 computer engineering, was listed as one of the 2016 Make a STATEment alumni by Iowa State’s Alumni Center. Read what he’s been up to here.

John Pritchard; 2016 Iowa STATEment Makers

John Pritchard, ’11 electrical engineering, was listed as one of the 2016 Make a STATEment alumni by Iowa State’s Alumni Center. Read what he’s been up to in St. Paul, MN here
