ECpE Scholarships
Alvin F. Prucha Scholarship
Arthur A. Collins Education Fund in Engineering
Maria B. and Bob O. Evan Scholarship Fund
Cima Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colonel Norman D. Miller Scholarship
Don K. Ford Electrical Engineering Scholarship Established by Audra M. Ford
Donald L. and Florence E. Waidelich Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Garmin ECE Scholarship Fund
George R. Town Memorial Scholarship
Harry W. Thiesfeld Scholarship
Henning H. Henningson Scholarship
ISU Alumni Fund for Hewlett-Packard Employees
Jeffrey Vallier Scholarship in Music and Engineering
John D. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
Lester and Delilah Buechler Scholarship
M.L. Jack Burgess Endowed Scholarship Fund
MidAmerican Energy Foundation Fund
Mitchell C. Dunn Memorial Scholarship in Electrical Engineering
Raymond and Hazel Williamson Scholarship in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sam J. Nicolino Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Texas Instruments Scholarship for Electrical Engineering
Wayne S. Bonebright Endowed Engineering Scholar Fund
Shared Scholarships
Alcoa Scholars Account
Alliant Energy Scholarship in Engineering
Boeing Company Scholarship Fund
Deere Foundation Scholarship
John Deere Foundation Scholarship for Women in Engineering
Donald and Dorothy Buckingham Scholarship
Guy W. Morrison Scholarship
Tarr Engineering Scholarship
College of Engineering Scholarships
Alfred W. Warren and Elizabeth M. Warren Scholarship in Engineering
Alvin F. Prucha Scholarship
Arie and Catherine Breed Scholarship in the College of Engineering
Betty Van Winkle Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
Building a World of Different Renewable Energy and Sustainable Water Scholarship in Engineering
Clarence H. Ford Engineering Scholarship Fund
Claude R. and Christina A. Summers Memorial Scholarship
Clayton H. Cooper Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
Donald O. Thompson Founders’ Prize (no longer called CNDE)
Darrel W. Edeker Engineering Scholarship
David A. Van Winkle Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
David C. Lovell Endowed Presidential Scholarship
David C. Moll Scholarship in Engineering
Deere and Company Scholarship for Women and Minorities
Don P. Shafer Memorial Scholarship in Engineering
Donald D. Kaser Memorial Scholarship
Dorothy Avery Clark and Maurice R Clark Scholarship in the College of Engineering
Eastern Iowa American Society for Quality Control Engineering Scholarship
Edward Henry Ohlsen Scholarship
Engineering Student Leadership Development Scholarship
Erben A. and Margaret Hunziker Scholarship Fund
Floyd Herman Cook Scholarship
George R. and William G. Bathe Endowed Scholarship Fund
George W. Catt Scholarship
Gordon F. Stiles Endowed Scholarship
H. Stuart Kuyper Scholarship
Harold Langford Scholarships in Engineering
Harry Oakley Price Scholarship Fund
Harvey Louis Dunker Endowed Scholarship
Herb Erbe Memorial Scholarship
Herbert C. James Memorial Scholarship
Jack and Dilla Cosgrove Scholarship
James B. Cecil Memorial Scholarship
John D. Cosgrove Endowed Scholarship
Joseph and Frances Nelson Scholarship
Kenneth R. Nimmo Memorial Scholarship Fund
Malcolm Family Scholarship
L.C. Doc and Lina Allen Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Lane Wells Scholarship
Larry J. McComber Engineering Scholarship
Laurin Sabatke/J. Dale Matlock Endowed Scholarship Fund
Leon G. Williams Endowed Scholarship in Engineering
Lois A. and James David Waters Scholarship in Engineering
Lyle J. and Marcia L. Higgins Engineering Scholarship Fund
Marion and Andrew Pontius Scholarship
Mary and Axel Peterson Scholarship in Engineering
Mary C. Thompson Scholarship Fund
Melvin R. Van Winkle Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Memorial Endowment for Leslie J. Wallace, Jr.
Society of American Military Engineers – New York City Post Scholarship
Nelson Brothers Scholarship
Noel and Ruth Smith Family Engineering Scholarship
O. Robert Eddy Scholarship for Excellence
Oscar L. Bock Scholarship in Engineering
P. Fred Petersen Scholarship in Engineering
Patricia Werner Merten Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul E. Morgan Engineering Scholarships
Philip C. Jennings Scholarship in Engineering
Ralph S. Millhone Endowed Presidential Scholarship
Richard and Marilyn Engle Endowed Engineering Scholarship Fund
Robert C. Fields Endowed Engineering Scholarship
Roderick Seward, Flossie Ratcliffe and Helen M. Galloway Foundation Scholarship
Roderick Seward, Flossie Ratcliffe and Helen M. Galloway Foundation Expendable Scholarship
Roderick Seward, Flossie Ratcliffe and Helen M. Galloway Foundation Expendable Merit Scholarship
Stephen and Beverly Watson Scholarship in Engineering
Stephen E. Simon Scholarship
Tau Beta Pi Scholarship
Ness Memorial Scholarship Endowment
Van A. Mensing Memorial Scholarship in Engineering