Monthly Archives: December 2014

AICSSC 2014 – Euler and the 336 million dollar software patent

Keynote speech “Euler and the 336 million dollar software patent” was given by Dr. Suresh Kothari. Venue: All India IEEE Computer Society Student Congress 2014 (AICSSC), Pune, India, December 13, 2014 Author: Suresh Kothari

Categories: Talks

INDICON 2014 – Cyber bombs are ticking, what is there to protect us

Keynote speech “Cyber bombs are ticking, what is there to protect us.” was given by Dr. Suresh Kothari. Venue: The 11th IEEE India Conference for Emerging Trends and Innovation in Technology (INDICON 2014), December 11-13 2014, Yashada, Pune, India Author: Suresh Kothari

Categories: Talks