Spring 2025: Application of Cryptographic Concepts to Cyber Security (CPRE/CYBE 331)
Fall 2024: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (CPRE 381), Reverse Engineering and Security Testing (CPRE 538)
Spring 2024: Reverse Engineering and Security Testing (CPRE 538)
Fall 2023: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (CPRE 381), Current Research Problems in Cyber Security (CYBSC 634) in collaboration with INSURE
Spring 2023: Reverse Engineering and Security Testing (CPRE 538),
Fall 2022: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (CPRE 381)
Spring 2022: Reverse Engineering and Security Testing (CPRE 538)
Fall 2021: Computer Organization and Assembly Language (CPRE 381)
Spring 2021: Advanced Computer Architecture (CPRE 681)