
PowerCyberSec: Cyber Physical Systems Security for the Smart Grid Lab

The smart grid is a highly automated network that uses a variety of sensors, information and control systems, and communication networks for the purpose of monitoring, protection and control of the grid. In recent years, there has been a growing threat of cyber-based attacks in numbers and sophistication on the nation’s electric grid and other critical infrastructure systems. Therefore, cyber security of the power grid — encompassing attack prevention, detection, mitigation, resilience, and attribution — is among the most important research issues today and in the future.

[1] Vulnerability Analysis: Systematic evaluation of cyber vulnerabilities in the substation, SCADA, and control center of the power grid.

[2] Impact Analysis: Quantifying the impact cyber attacks on the operational security and stability of the power grid.

[3] Risk Modeling: Quantitative methodology for evaluating the risk due to cyber attacks, including cyber coordinated attacks.

[4] Risk Mitigation and Attack-Resilience: Attack-resilient monitoring, protection, and control algorithms, and model-based and machine learning-based anomaly detection to detect and mitigate cyber attacks.

[5] CPS Security Tesbed & Experimentation: An integrated CPS security testbed, called PowerCyber, that interfaces industry-grade SCADA with real-time power system simulator (RTDS), with industrial power system devices (relays, PMUs) and energy management system (EMS) software, grid communication and security technologies. The testbed provides a realistic platform to conduct cyber attack-defense evaluations and cyber security training.


Project Sponsors:

We would like to acknowledge the funding for this research and educational programs by U.S. NSF, DOE, and DHS grants.

NSF Award CNS #1932458    [Project Website]
Project Title: CPS-Synergy: High-Fidelity, Scalable, Open-Access Cyber Security Testbed for Accelerating Smart Grid Innovations and Deployments

NSF Award EECS #1739969
CPS: Medium: Cyber Attack-Defense Modeling, Risk and Contingency Analysis for the Power Grid using Game Theory

NSF Award  #1932458
CPS: Medium: Data-driven Causality Mapping, System Identification and Dynamics Characterization for Future Power Grid

Awarded by DOE SETO Program
Project Title: “Enhancing grid reliability and resilience through novel DER control and coordination accounting for integrated distribution and sub-transmission representation ”, Poject Lead: Arizona State University; ISU (Collaborator), Aug. 1, 2019 – July 31, 2022.

Awarded by DOE CEDS Program
Project Title: “Cyber Resilient Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)”, DOE, Project Lead: Hitachi ABB Power Grid, Iowa State University (Subcontract), Oct. 2018 – Sept. 2021.

Awarded by DOE CEDS Program
Project Title: Autonomous Tools for Attack Surface Reduction, Jan. 2017 – Dec. 2020.

NSF Award EECS 1202542
Project Title: Collaborative Research: Resiliency against Coordinated Cyber Attacks on Power Grid

NSF Award  CNS 1329915
Project Title: CPS-Synergy: Collaborative Research: A Unified System Theoretic Framework for Cyber Attack-Resilient Power Grid

NSF Award CNS 1528731
Project Title: GCTC EAGER: Risk Modeling and Cyber Defense Exercise for Critical Infrastructures Securit