Spring External Advisory Council Meeting


April 5, 2018    
8:00 am - 4:00 pm


3043 ECpE Building Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, Iowa, 50011

Event Type

Spring 2018 meeting for External Advisory Council members.

The draft agenda for this spring’s meeting on Thursday, April 5, will be placed in the ECpE EAC External Advisory Council CyBox folder.  We also will put the parking permit that you will need in CyBox as well (just print off and put in the dash of your car).  If you are having any troubles with getting access to the folder (linked), please check to see that the email address that you received this email is the same as your Box account email.  They must be the same.  If they are different, please reply with your box email account.

RSVP REGRETS ONLY to the meeting by March 22, 2018.

For those that are coming in on Wednesday night, we will meet up for dinner at 7:30 p.m.  If you will be joining, please let us know so that we can plan accordingly.
