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Quantifying the Operational Impact of Extreme Weather in New England; An Energy Adequacy Framework
Presentation Summary: Similar to other areas of the country, New England is expected to continue experiencing dramatic changes in the mix of resources providing capacity and energy to the system over the next decade or more as large quantities of renewable resources are integrated to the system. At the same time, the region’s electric demand is undergoing a change due to the forecasted impacts of electrification of heating and transportation sectors. Within this context of an evolving system ISO New England has recently collaborated with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) to develop an innovative analytical framework, the Probabilistic Energy Adequacy Tool (PEAT), which enables the quantification of the region’s evolving energy adequacy risks with a focus on extreme weather events. With recent study results in hand, ISO New England is now working with the region’s stakeholders to define a Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold (REST) which defines the region’s risk tolerance for shortfalls under extreme weather conditions. This presentation will provide an overview of the changing system in New England along with a review of the PEAT study results and how they are informing the development of the REST.
Bio: Stephen has over twenty-five years of energy industry experience including 19 years of experience in the operation of the New England bulk power system at ISO New England (ISO). In his current role as the Director, Operational Performance, Training, and Integration at ISO, he is responsible for coordination/oversight of the System Operations and Market Administration department’s strategic planning initiatives, project integration, and operational analysis. In recent years, Stephen has taken a lead role in a number of key initiatives including supporting ISO’s ongoing initiatives related to addressing the region’s energy adequacy concerns through operational and/or market-related enhancements. Stephen’s career at ISO began with seven years of experience operating the New England bulk power system and prior to joining ISO Stephen served six years in the U.S. Navy including four years as a nuclear power plant operator onboard USS Augusta (SSN-710). He holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Science and Technology, Nuclear Engineering Technology, from Thomas Edison State University and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Massachusetts.
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