Title: Industry Adoption of IEEE Std. 2800
Abstract: The increasing deployment of inverter-based resources (IBRs) in the transmission system has presented new challenges within the industry. IEEE Std. 2800 – Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems is a monumental standard in defining and aligning performance standards related to IBR integration and dynamic performance. This webinar will cover the key differences in IBRs from conventional synchronous units and the background behind the standard development. Various aspects of the standard related to transmission planning and the interconnection process through commissioning and operations of utility-scale generation will be discussed, in addition to applicability of IEEE standards versus existing NERC requirements. Assessment of the industry’s adoption approaches and progress toward implementation will be discussed for both utilities and large-scale ISO/RTOs.
Bio: Mark Miller is a Transmission Planning Consultant at 1898 & Co., a part of Burns & McDonnell. At 1898 & Co., Mark supports power system analysis including load and generator interconnection and outage coordination & sequencing studies. Recently, Mark has focused on IEEE Std. 2800 adoption and helped utility clients with assessment of current practices related to planning, commissioning, and operations and implementation IEEE Std. 2800. Mark has experience in a steady state, dynamic stability, short circuit, and power transfer analysis for a variety of utility and ISO/RTO clients and is proficient in power system automation with PTI PSS/E, PowerGEM TARA, PSCAD as well as programming languages such as Python, VBA, and C. Mark is a registered Engineer in Training. Mark began his career at Burns & McDonnell after completing his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering at Purdue University.
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