Power Seminar with Xuan Wu: Use Cases of Using Optimizations for Real-world Utility Planning Problems with Emerging Technologies


October 10, 2023    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm


3043 ECpE Bldg Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, IA

Event Type

Title: Use Cases of Using Optimizations for Real-world Utility Planning Problems with Emerging Technologies

Abstract: Optimization techniques have been widely adopted in power system markets, operations, and controls (e.g., unit commitment, economic dispatch). On the other hand, it is meaningful to expand the application of optimizations in transmission and distribution (T&D) planning problems. Despite the complicated transmission and generation economic expansion studies involving commercial software (e.g., PROMOD), reducible and customizable optimization models could be developed aiming for local T&D planning needs, such as siting power flow controllers for transmission networks, determining the criticality for transmission assets, siting energy storage and protective devices for distribution networks, and sizing energy storage for microgrids, etc. Planning decisions will not be finalized from optimizations, whereas optimization results trigger further analysis and provide investment justifications to customers and regulators.  Therefore, as a utility planner, we need the flexibility to try various objective functions and the efficiency to cover multiple scenarios. A simple and useful optimization algorithm is more needed rather than complex and computationally intractable ones. This seminar will discuss some use cases that were developed from real-world utility problems.

Bio: Xuan Wu received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, in 2013, and the Ph.D. degree from The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA, in 2018. He is currently a Senior Manager of T&D Standards & Analysis for both AES Utilities (AES Indiana and AES Ohio). Prior to this role, he was a Manager of T&D Planning for AES Indiana, leading a team of engineers responsible for AES Indiana’s power flow, short-circuit, dynamics, and transient studies, and identifying non-wire alternatives as T&D solutions. Xuan is also a PI/Co-PI for multiple research and innovation projects that are funded internally or externally. His research interests include power system security and resilience, T&D equipment and applications, and DER & energy storage integration in modern power systems. Xuan has published over 35 technical papers including two Best Papers awarded by IEEE Transactions on Power Systems. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Chairs for several IEEE working groups and chapters, and a registered Professional Engineer.

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