FAN Club: Cybersecurity for the Smart Grid – A hands-on demonstration of attacks and defenses


December 3, 2021    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm


1213 Coover Hall
2520 Osborn Drive, Ames, Iowa, 50011-1046

Event Type

Slice of pizza with veggies and pepperoniFriday Activities at Noon (FAN) Club is held in 1213 Coover Hall. The event runs from 12 noon to 1 p.m., with presentations every 15 minutes. Free pizza for students!

Event Title: Cybersecurity for the Smart Grid – A hands-on demonstration of attacks and defenses

Event Info: Cybersecurity for critical infrastructures such as the power grid, transportation network, and manufacturing has been importance as a priority area for R&D and education due to the increasing attack/threat trends targeting these systems. In this session, graduate students will demonstrate the working of a lab-scale cybersecurity testbed for smart grid that mimics smart grid operational environment. In particular, a sample set of attack and defense scenarios will be demonstrated that involve utilizing cybersecurity techniques and tools. A interactive discussion will be entertained during the session.
