Department Seminar with Anne Kimber: ISU’s Electric Power Research Center: a catalyst to accelerate power grid research and increase practical impacts.


August 9, 2024    
11:00 am - 12:00 pm


3043 ECpE Bldg Addition
Coover Hall, Ames, IA, 50011

Event Type

Title: ISU’s Electric Power Research Center: a catalyst to accelerate power grid research and increase practical impacts.

Abstract: For 61 years, the ISU Electric Power Research Center (EPRC) and its industry partners have supported power system research that has contributed significantly to advancing transmission, distribution, generation and load-side management planning and operation. I will describe some recent wide-ranging projects, (agrivoltaics, electrification impacts, microgrid demonstrations, resilience planning and others) and provide perspective on research directions for the future EPRC.

Short Bio: As the Director of the ISU EPRC I work with ISU faculty research teams, industry partners and DOE National Laboratories to build collaborations that advance education, research and technology transfer in electric power systems. We have been working to solve the most challenging problems facing the evolving grid with increasing electrification of loads, and integration of new resources such as wind, solar, hydrogen and storage. Projects range from development of better tools for customer-side energy efficiency, demand-response and AMI analysis, to projects integrating distributed energy resources and storage at multiple scales ranging from microgrid development to large scale co-optimized grid expansion planning.

Prior to joining ISU in 2014, I worked for over 14 years with Iowa municipal electric, gas and water utilities at the Iowa Association of Municipal Utilities. I also worked in the Power division of Burns & McDonnell. I am a PE in Mechanical Engineering, with a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology.


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