Full-time and Part-time Status

Your credit load as a part-time or full-time student at Iowa State can affect several things such as financial aid, insurance, scholarships, establishing residency, and VISA status. It is your responsibility to know how your credit load will affect your status for these things. During the school year, full-time status normally means a load of 12 to 18 credits. See your academic advisor for information on full-time status for summer.


Rounding Credit Loads

Iowa State’s registrar rounds up 11.5 credits to 12 credits, which grants a student full-time status.


Counting “R” Credit

Iowa State’s registrar will count an “R” credit course as one credit for insurance purposes and loan deferments only. Thus, if the student has 11 credits and one “R” credit course, then the student is considered full-time for those two purposes.


Veterans Administration Benefits

Check with the Veterans Clerks in 214 Enrollment Services Center to ensure your credit load meets the requirements for receiving VA benefits.
