Events - December 4, 2013

Graduate Seminar - Naga Pavan Kumar Gorti

December 4, 2013    
1:10 pm - 2:00 pm
Title: Application aware microarchitecture adaptation for performance-power tradeoff Speaker: Naga Pavan Kumar Gorti, ECpE Graduate Student  Abstract: Adaptive microarchitectures are an attractive option to carry out processor performance [...]

IEEE Magnetics Society Guest Seminar - Jeff Shield

December 4, 2013    
4:10 pm - 5:00 pm
Title: Nanoparticle-based magnetic materials and nanocomposites Abstract: Nanoparticles (and nanoclusters) are proving to be a rich playground for both the discovery of new structures and as a [...]

IEEE Chapter Meeting

December 4, 2013    
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Open to the public
